Episodes 1 Thru 30

How it all began. Lionel does what Dr.Flockshorn says and learns a few things he almost wishes he hadn't.

On the road with Baabaa and Rambro. A short but picturesque episode.

Well, it's not like it's the end of the world. Or, is it? Read the editorial.See the trailer.

Premiered on 5/2/99
Join the sheep at the "Graze and Go" for lunch after church.

Premiered on 6/26/99
The sun. The surf. The spray in your face. The wind at your back. A story about faith.

Premiered on 7/10/99
You can stand, sing, sit, walk and run, but you can't hide.

Premiered on 9/4/99
If Dr. Flockshorn is sitting in the folding chair, who is behind the desk?

Premiered on 9/20/99
Lionel goes digging for the truth and gets in over his head.

Premiered on 11/11/99
Lionel's hit rock bottom. Can Dr. Flockshorn save him? Find out in this episode where all five main characters make an appearance!

Premiered on 12/31/99
Looking back on the next thousand years.

Premiered on 3/11/2000
Truly a superhero for our generation.

Premiered on 4/8/2000
I had to draw the Meadowbig foyer sooner or later.

Premiered on 5/7/2000
Eunice and Lionel catch up with each other at the "Graze and Go."

Premiered on 6/04/2000
Lionel calls in sick and gets to watch daytime television.