Episodes 31 Thru 60

Premiered on 8/20/2000
What we have here is failure to communicate.

Premiered on 9/10/2000
The shocking conclusion! Shockingly preachy! Shockingly anticlimactic!

Premiered on 10/30/2000
A few hundred years ago this could really have got me in trouble.

Premiered on 1/7/2001
You'll have to invest a little time in this one!

Premiered on 3/7/2001
I'm sure this is not what happened when Jesus ascended.

Premiered on 4/1/2001
Lionel discovers a novel way to understand prophecy.

Premiered on 7/28/2001
Though never convicted of any crime, Lionel is sentenced to twenty years in "sing sing".

Premiered on 8/18/2001
Have Lionel and Dr. Flockshorn actually agreed to work together?

Premiered on 9/29/2003
This is the kind of stuff I think up while I'm stuck in traffic.

Premiered on 10/30/2003
No one would have believed in the early years of the 21st Century that this world was being watched keenly and closely by sheep just slightly less lazy than our own.